scores be one of de main requirements for you to gain admission and get
scholarship for any skool. You must spend plenty time to study for ya
exams. One place to find materials to study be for internet.
You go find study material for de website wey I write for each of de
exam. And dem get oda plenty materials wey you fit find for different
you also fit find books and CDs for good book stores for ya area. Go
around, ask ya friends and you go find books too. Ee beta make you find
de latest edition of any book. Dis na because de exams dey constantly
change every year. So you suppose study with de latest materials so dat
you no go dey study wetin you no need.
And now with de access Naija get to AMAZON
online book store, you fit buy de latest books wey you need. Under no
circumstance wey you go write any of dis exam without serious study. If
you no study and go write any exam, na just waste of time be dat.
Nothing go make you pass and get de score wey you need to gain
admission. So anytin wey you dey do make sure say you spend enough time
to prepare for ya exams.
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